I'm trying create a generic calculator class which can support arithmetic operations like add , sub & mul very basic. but I'm getting this below mentioned error. I'm getting a feel that I need to add generic constraint on 'T' to allow operation only on those type which support + operator. But not able to figure out the solution. Would be great help, if you can provide great explanation that will help me understand this fundamental part of it.
"Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and 'T'
Here is the code for add operation. please let suggest the resolution to fix this problem.
**//this approach works**
using System.Numerics;
namespace dotnet_basic;
public class Calculator
public T Add<T>(T num1, T num2)
where T : INumber<T> => num1 + num2;
public T Subtract<T>(T num1, T num2)
where T : INumber<T> => num2 - num1;
**//Corrected the second approach now even this approach works**
namespace dotnet_basic;
public class CalculatorNew<T> where T : INumber<T>
public T Add(T num1, T num2)
return num1 + num2;
Need to find out how this functionality can be achieved using the .net 6 or less than version 6. Once we have that answer this question can be closed.
Here is the code for achieving above mention functionality in .net 6 or less than version 6.
// solution from @peet
namespace dotnet_basic
public class Calculator<T> where T : struct // Add constraint here, e.g., 'struct' for value types
public static T Add(T num1, T num2)
dynamic dynamicNum1 = num1;
dynamic dynamicNum2 = num2;
return dynamicNum1 + dynamicNum2;
Since .NET 7 you can use the generic math interfaces:
public class Calculator<T>
where T : IAdditionOperators<T,T,T>
public static T Add(T num1, T num2)
return num1 + num2;
Before .NET 7 the classic approach is building an expression:
public class Calculator<T>
private static Func<T, T, T> _add;
static Calculator()
var left = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var right = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
_add = Expression.Lambda<Func<T,T,T>> (
Expression.Add(left, right),
new ParameterExpression[] { left, right }
public static T Add(T num1, T num2)
return _add(num1, num2);