I used to just
sudo apt install -y "$(cat pkg_apt)"
and I want to do something similar in Ansible
I don't understand what are roles and why I need to use them.
I don't want to indent and fit into yaml file every package since there are hundreds of them that I have stored in a file from apt-mark showmanual
I am running this on my local machine.
Where should I put the packages? In inventory file? in Var directory? in roles?
If I just have to use commands and load them into variable and do loop over them, then what is the point of ansible?
I don't want to indent and fit into yaml file every package since there are hundreds of them that I have stored in a file from
apt-mark showmanual
. I am running this on my local machine.
I'll let you read on roles but we really don't need one at this point for the below example.
Demo project structure
$ tree
├── pkg_apt
└── playbook.yml
0 directories, 2 files
This can be stored in your favorite versionning system and updated whenever you make changes to your system.
Stripped content of pkg_apt
as gotten on my local machine using the same command as yours (i.e. apt-mark showmanual > pkg_apt
From there, what we have to do is extremely simple:
module at once into the name
option so that all packages are installed during the same apt transaction. We don't want to loop:
. See the notes on apt
module documentations
When used with a
each package will be processed individually, it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to thename
The resulting playbook.yml
looks like this:
- name: Restore packages on system from a saved package list
hosts: localhost
become: true
gather_facts: false
package_file: pkg_apt
package_list: "{{ lookup('file', package_file) | split('\n') }}"
- name: Install all packages in {{ package_file }} through apt
name: "{{ package_list }}"
state: present
which gives on my local machine (note: apt
is reporting "ok" as expected since the packages are already installed on my system)
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml
PLAY [Restore packages on system from a saved package list] **********
TASK [Install all packages in pkg_apt through apt] ***********
ok: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************
localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Since you mentioned using a single command line before as a bit of a frustration, note that all the above can be summarized into a single ansible ad-hoc one-liner running from the directory where you stored the file:
ansible localhost -b -m apt \
-e "package_list={{ lookup('file', 'pkg_apt') | split('\n') }}" \
-a "name={{ package_list }} state=present"