i need to have a query that simulates a query to a table starting from a split of a string:
Im trying some like that, but i cant get the other value:image
SELECT (SELECT y.column_value AS val
FROM TABLE(apex_string.split(p_str => r.column_value,
p_sep => '-')) y
WHERE rownum = 1) AS vall,
(SELECT y.column_value AS val
FROM TABLE(apex_string.split(p_str => r.column_value,
p_sep => '-')) y
WHERE rownum = 2) AS valr
FROM TABLE(apex_string.split(p_str => 'A-1:B-2:C-3', p_sep => ':')) r
I need have a result as a query like the image: example
Similarly, with regular expressions; P7_VALUE
has been entered manually and is set to submit when Enter is pressed. In real scenario, I presume that its value will be fetched from the database as result of multi-select Select list or Shuttle item.
select regexp_substr(column_value, '^\w+') col1,
regexp_substr(column_value, '\w+$') col2
from table(apex_string.split(:P7_VALUE, ':'))