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Retrieve parameters from AWS SSM with ansible

I need to retrieve some parameters from AWS SSM with ansible to create an env file. I tried this tasks:

- name: Get enviroment vars
  local_action:  set_fact "{{ lookup('aws_ssm', '/myi-homemade-apps-config/{{ service_environment }}/{{ stack_name }}', region='eu-west-1', shortnames=true, bypath=true, recursive=true, on_missing='skip' ) }}"

- name: Create .env file
    src: env.file.j2
    dest: /opt/docker-swarm-stack/{{ stack_name }}/.env
    mode: "0600"
  become: true

I set local_action because I need this task being executed in the local host, not in remote.

The template has:

{% for key, value in env_content.items() %}
{% endfor %}

When I play the playbook, I get this error:

fatal: [remote_host -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while templating string: unexpected end of template, expected ','.. String: \"{{ lookup('aws_ssm', '/myi-homemade-apps-config/{{ service_environment }}/{{ stack_name }}', region"} 

What I'm doing wrong?


I tried this task:

  local_action:  set_fact "{{ lookup('aws_ssm', '/myi-homemade-apps-config/{{ service_environment }}/{{ stack_name }}', region='eu-west-1', shortnames=true, bypath=true, recursive=true, on_missing='skip' ) }}"

Without the {{ before lookup and without the last }} but I get this error:

TASK [docker-swarm-stack : Get enviroment vars] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: NoneType: None
fatal: [remote_host -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The variable name '\" lookup('aws_ssm', '/myi-homemade-apps-config/development/service', region' is not valid. Variables must start with a letter or underscore character, and contain only letters, numbers and underscores."}


  • The main problem is that set_fact is not being given a parent fact to store all your parameters from SSM.

    Here's an updated code that will work for you.

    - name: Get SSM parameters
        module: ansible.builtin.set_fact
        env_content: "{{ lookup('aws_ssm', '/myi-homemade-apps-config/{{ service_environment }}/{{ stack_name }}', region='eu-west-1', shortnames=true, bypath=true, recursive=true, on_missing='skip' ) }}"
          shortnames=true, bypath=true,
          recursive=true) }}"
    - name: Create .env file
        src: env.file.j2
        dest: /opt/docker-swarm-stack/{{ stack_name }}/.env
        mode: "0600"
      become: true

    This solution will pull all parameters from SSM that match your path, and store them as directory entries to the env_content fact. Your template is already iterating over the env_content to pull the key/value pairs.

    Hope that helps!