I have two dataframe one is snp region and other is Hic region.
structure(list(rf1 = c(57584944, 57584944, 57584944, 57584944,
57584944, 57584944, 57584944, 57584944, 50263463, 5e+07, 50263463,
50263463, 35172197, 35172197, 57584944), rt1 = c(57624944, 57624944,
57624944, 57624944, 57624944, 57624944, 57624944, 57624944, 50303463,
51423463, 50303463, 50303463, 35212197, 35212197, 57624944),
rf2 = c(1899354, 1899354, 1899354, 1899354, 1899354, 1579354,
1899354, 1899354, 1899354, 1779354, 1899354, 1899354, 1899354,
1899354, 1499354), rt2 = c(1939354, 1939354, 1939354, 1939354,
1939354, 1619354, 1939354, 1939354, 1939354, 1819354, 1939354,
1939354, 1939354, 1939354, 1539354)), row.names = c(NA, -15L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
> dput(snp_region[1:10,1:6])
structure(list(Gene = c("ENSG00000132819", "ENSG00000101162",
"ENSG00000132819", "ENSG00000101162", "ENSG00000101162", "ENSG00000101162",
"ENSG00000101162", "ENSG00000101162", "ENSG00000101162", "ENSG00000101162"
), `Gene-Chr` = c(20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20), `Gene-Pos` = c(55975426,
57598009, 55975426, 57598009, 57598009, 57598009, 57598009, 57598009,
57598009, 57598009), RsId = c("rs6084653", "rs156356", "rs1741314",
"rs6136489", "rs4814776", "rs13042885", "rs4814779", "rs6045615",
"rs11696739", "rs4618126"), `SNP-Chr` = c(20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
20, 20, 20, 20, 20), `SNP-Pos` = c(4157072, 1819280, 4155193,
1923734, 1921523, 1924707, 1923271, 1931582, 1600925, 1930885
)), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
I want to match the gene present in snp region to hic region from rf1 to rt1, if its present between these two region(rf1 and rt1), select that and then match snp position from snp region using rf2 and rt2 region. I wrote a code but it gives me repeated values.
snp <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:dim(snp_region)[1]){
snp_pos <- snp_region$`SNP-Pos`[i]
for(j in 1:dim(hic_region)[1]){
if(snp_region$`Gene-Pos`[i] %in% seq(hic_region$rf1[j],hic_region$rt1[j],1)){
hic_region1 <- hic_region[j,]
if(snp_pos %in% seq(hic_region1$rf2,hic_region1$rt2,1)){
preset <<- snp_region[i,]
snp <- rbind(snp,preset)
structure(list(Gene = c("ENSG00000131069", "ENSG00000131069",
"ENSG00000131069", "ENSG00000101162", "ENSG00000101162"), `Gene-Chr` = c(20,
20, 20, 20, 20), `Gene-Pos` = c(33487859, 33487859, 33487859,
57598009, 57598009), RsId = c("rs4142441", "rs4142441", "rs4142441",
"rs6136489", "rs4814776"), `SNP-Chr` = c(20, 20, 20, 20, 20),
`SNP-Pos` = c(42839620, 42839620, 42839620, 1923734, 1921523
)), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
I wanted to get some feedback if I am doing something wrong, or if there is a better way to run two conditions to match rows for two dataframe. Thank you.
Here's another option using data.table
. This process is called a non-equi
In the on
portion, you can create logic for Gene-Pos
to be between rt1
and rf2
to be between rf2
and rt2
. Then select the columns you want included across both tables.
matched_genes = unique(snp_region[
on = .(`Gene-Pos` >= rf1, `Gene-Pos` <= rt1, `SNP-Pos` >= rf2, `SNP-Pos` <= rt2),
.(Gene, `Gene-Chr`, `Gene-Pos`=`x.Gene-Pos`, RsId, `SNP-Chr`, `SNP-Pos`=`x.SNP-Pos`, rf1, rt1, rf2, rt2),
nomatch = NULL
# Output
Gene Gene-Chr Gene-Pos RsId SNP-Chr SNP-Pos rf1 rt1 rf2 rt2
1: ENSG00000101162 20 57598009 rs6136489 20 1923734 57584944 57624944 1899354 1939354
2: ENSG00000101162 20 57598009 rs4814776 20 1921523 57584944 57624944 1899354 1939354
3: ENSG00000101162 20 57598009 rs13042885 20 1924707 57584944 57624944 1899354 1939354
4: ENSG00000101162 20 57598009 rs4814779 20 1923271 57584944 57624944 1899354 1939354
5: ENSG00000101162 20 57598009 rs6045615 20 1931582 57584944 57624944 1899354 1939354
6: ENSG00000101162 20 57598009 rs4618126 20 1930885 57584944 57624944 1899354 1939354
7: ENSG00000101162 20 57598009 rs11696739 20 1600925 57584944 57624944 1579354 1619354