Whats the recommended way to define an output schema for a nested json, the method I use doesn't feel ideal.
# adding to planner -> from langchain.experimental.plan_and_execute import load_chat_planner
refinement_response_schemas = [
ResponseSchema(name="plan", description="""{'1': {'step': '','tools': [],'data_sources': [],'sub_steps_needed': bool},
'2': {'step': '','tools': [<empty list>],'data_sources': [<>], 'sub_steps_needed': bool},}"""),] #define json schema in description, works but doesn't feel proper
refinement_output_parser = StructuredOutputParser.from_response_schemas(refinement_response_schemas)
refinement_format_instructions = refinement_output_parser.get_format_instructions()
{'plan': {'1': {'step': 'Identify the top 5 strikers in La Liga',
'tools': [],
'data_sources': ['sports websites', 'official league statistics'],
'sub_steps_needed': False},
'2': {'step': 'Identify the top 5 strikers in the Premier League',
'tools': [],
'data_sources': ['sports websites', 'official league statistics'],
'sub_steps_needed': False},
'6': {'step': 'Given the above steps taken, please respond to the users original question',
'tools': [],
'data_sources': [],
'sub_steps_needed': False}}}
it works but I want to know if theres a better way to go about this.
From what I can see the recommended approach is to use the pydantic output parser as opposed to the structured output parser... python.langchain.com/docs/modules/model_io/output_parsers/… (and dealing with nesting explained here... youtube.com/watch?v=yD_oDTeObJY).
from langchain.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator
from typing import List, Optional
class PlanItem(BaseModel):
step: str
tools: Optional[str] = []
data_sources: Optional[str] = []
sub_steps_needed: str
class Plan(BaseModel):
plan: List[PlanItem]
parser = PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=Plan)