I am working with the following JSON string from api response:
"points": [{
"name": "title",
"value": "Test"
}, {
"name": "category",
"value": null
}, {
"name": "created",
"value": 1550743894373
}, {
"name": "version",
"value": 1
the json-structure of the response is always the same, root-node "points" has 1 or more name-value pairs.
I have a class structure as follows for parsing and filling the json data
// can't use record, have to use class, i only have .NET Framework 4.8 available
public class Point
public string Name { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
public class MyViews
public List<Point> Points { get; set; }
and this is my code:
using RestSharp;
// create request for API
var request = new RestRequest("my-views");
// get response from API with deserialized json-data to my Points-object
var response = await client.ExecuteGetAsync<MyViews>(request);
// just example of getting simple data from object
Point response_point = response.Data.Points.first(); // get first object
string title;
// check if object is a title
if (response_point.Name == "title") {
title = response_point.Value; // get value of title
// my goal is:
// Point response_point = response.Data;
// title = response_point.title;
My deserialization goal is to fill data in the following class structure:
public class Point
public string title { get; set; }
public string category { get; set; }
public DateTime? created { get; set; }
public int? version { get; set; }
I want to have only one "Point" object with all name-value pairs as properties (without List in MyViews class).
Is there a way to transform the data on deserialization process, or trigger a method on Points-object after deserialization complete?
I'm using RestSharp-lib
with default serializer System.Text.Json
UPDATE: I'm not attached to any library, I have free choice, the only restriction I have to stick to is .NET 4.8 Framework.
Text.Json and Net 4.8 is the worst combination ever. Install Newtonsoft.Json and the code will be simpler.
using Newonsoft.Json;
var response = await client.ExecuteGetAsync(request);
var points = JObject.Parse(response.Content)["points"];
Point point = new Point();
foreach (var item in points)
var val = item["value"];
switch ((string)item["name"])
case "title": point.title = (string)val; break;
case "category": point.category = (string)val; break;
// case "created":point.created = (DateTime) val; break; //only you know what format is your date
case "version": point.version = (int?)val; break;