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How to swap + for - in notepad++ using regular expression

I'm sorry if this has been covered before, I did try to find a previous question covering this but given the subject of the question it's kinda hard to filter through the thousands of answers to other questions.

I have a very large document that contains values denoted by a "+" or a "-". I need to reverse the values in this file.

I know enough to find and replace multiple characters using regex however I don't know enough to search for characters that are used by regex.

I've tried using quotations and even including the | on either side that appear in the file but obviously this is also used in regex.

Is this even possible, how can I get regex to search for "+"?

EDIT: Using normal find and replace is not the solution as this would leave me with all of one character and none of the other but I need to swap them to reverse the value of the whole file.

Onthrax and markalex have already helped me to fix my regex but I'm still open to other solutions.


  • Replace:




    (\+) matches and captures every + sign whereas - matches, without capturing, every - sign. (?1-:+) means "add - back if group 1 was captured, + otherwise". This effectively swaps the two signs.

    Try it on (with minor differences in syntax).

    Alternatively, you can replace:

    1. every + with a temporary sign
    2. every - with +
    3. every temporary sign used in step 1 with -

    This, however, requires the temporary sign we use to not be used in the whole document.