Search code examples

how to insert multiple commands into a prepared statement

The problem is that putting queries together, I got this "error: cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement". What can I do?

    set search_path to care;
    SELECT COALESCE(,,, reportmonth,registration,emailverified,application,submitted,eligible,jqtest,selected,joined
    from      ( SELECT date_trunc('month', createdon)::date as date, count(1) as registration,count(case when emailverified='Yes'then 1 end) as emailverified from contact group by 1)
    full join ( SELECT date_trunc('month', timecreated)::date as date, count(1) as joined from scholars where deleted='FALSE' group by 1 ) jn on
    order by 1;"



  • Try omitting the 'set search_path to talentcare;' part from your dbGetQuery. dbGetQuery only works with SELECT (or SELECT-like) queries. You can move the 'set search path' to a seperate dbExecute() statement.