I am trying to debug the following code in vscode. I have 2 versions of the file in the same directory, with minor differences (temp edits during debugging). So I now have 3 files in the directory: go.mod, bug1.go, and bug2.go.
package main
import (
type Animal int64
const (
Goat Animal = iota
func (n Animal) String() string {
switch n {
case Goat:
return "Goat"
case Cat:
return "Cat"
return "?"
type Group struct {
A, B Animal
func main() {
fmt.Println("Animal: ", Cat)
I can run the above code from command line like this (which only compiles bug1.go and ignores bug2.go):
go run bug1.go
Now I am trying to debug bug1.go, using the following launch.json:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}",
"env": {},
"args": []
So I opened bug1.go in vscode, and pressed Run and Debug, and then I am seeing errors being reported from bug2.go. Looks like vscode is trying to compile all the files in the directory together, and is detecting code duplications:
Build Error: go build -o /Users/.../bug/__debug_bin -gcflags all=-N -l .
./bug2.go:9:6: Animal redeclared in this block
./bug1.go:9:6: other declaration of Animal
./bug2.go:12:5: Goat redeclared in this block
./bug1.go:12:5: other declaration of Goat
How do I configure vscode to compile only bug1.go and ignore bug2.go?
Set program
to ${file}
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch current file",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "${file}"
: Path to the program folder (or any go file within that folder) when in debug
or test
mode, and to the pre-built binary file to debug in exec
mode. If it is not an absolute path, the extension interpretes it as a workspace relative path.
(Default: "${workspaceFolder}"
: the current opened file