How to find XPath? Dynamically how to get XPath for changing values, get current price for company that starts with letter A in the above mentioned url. Table changes dynamically.
//a[contains(text(),"Apollo Hospitals")]
Below XPath expression is what you need:
//table[@class='dataTable']//td[1]//text()[starts-with(normalize-space(), 'A')]//following::td[3]
Explanation: This XPath expression locates the Current Price
of the Company
which starts with letter A
Let me try to explain part by part:
Part 1. //table[@class='dataTable']
- Locate the table
element with attribute=class
and value=dataTable
Part 2. //td[1]
- locates first column of the table
Part 3. //text()[starts-with(normalize-space(), 'A')]
- locates text which starts with letter A within the current node
Part 4. //following::td[3]
-- locates 3rd column from the current node which is Current Prince (Rs)
For your reference(see below):