I wanted to edit (PATCH) local posts add/delete photos how change data/updateMask to add many media in one time or delete one of them?
links to docs https://developers.google.com/my-business/reference/rest/v4/accounts.locations.localPosts/patch https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/posts-data#edit_posts
i try change updateMask to media and send array of all media adding one with my URL but respond is BAD_REQUEST message Too many photos. A post may only have a maximum of 1 photos. but on google can add 10 pic...
Working request to replace all media in local post
PATCH https://mybusiness.googleapis.com/v4/accounts/*/locations/*/localPosts/*?updateMask=media.mediaFormat,media.sourceUrl
const payload = { media: [{ mediaFormat: "PHOTO", sourceUrl: "URL" }] }
I wrote in support of GMB. Bad news for us. Here is their response.
Unfortunately, the Google Business Profile API doesn’t currently allow multiple photos per post. A post may only have a maximum of 1 photo. We’ll announce any changes or new features of the Google Business Profile API when they become available on the Google Developers site.
Sincerely, Shalini
The Google Business Profile API team