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What TextMate scope is used for "normal code/text" in VS Code?

I'm trying to create a TextMate grammar for a language that can have interpolated code sections in any string. So everything between <% and %> inside any string is "normal" code, which can have strings again. I want to use the grammar for a VS Code extension.

My multi-line strings are enclosed by <<->>.

I think it is not possible to handle this case for arbitrary depth, so I would be happy to get it to work for simple cases with nesting up to some depth.

What would the patterns look like for the following code?

This is some string
<%This is normal code
  This is more <%Normal code%>string <%More code%>
And of course more string

I tried to use the following myLanguage.tmGrammar.yaml:

name: myLanguage
scopeName: source.myLanguage

  - begin: <<
    end: ">>"
    name: string.quoted.double
        - begin: <%
          end: "%>"
          include: source.myLanguage

  - begin: <%
    end: "%>"
    name: variable  # <--- What is the name for "default code"?
        - begin: <<
          end: ">>"
          include: source.myLanguage

ighlighted code snipped

It mostly works, but I need to use "normal" code instead of keyword highlighting.


  • I followed the advice and looked at the TestMate grammar of JavaScript and adapted the backtick strings for my language.

    Here is the resulting grammar:

    name: myLanguage
    scopeName: source.myLanguage
      - include: '#strings'
        begin: '<<'
        end: '>>'
        name: string.quoted.double
          - include: '#interpolation'
        begin: '<%'
        end: '%>'
        contentName: source.myLanguage
        name: meta.embedded
          - include: $self

    Highlighted code snipped

    The normal code part is highlighted as normal text. Expanding on this I was able to do more highlighting within the "normal code" sections inside <%-&>-blocks.