I would like to alter my query result to give me a different result for example
when I run this query
select *
from receipt
where receiptId = 358914592`
It gives me a table like this
receiptId | date | price | salesRep | PatientId | stat | reqDoc | reviewwee | patho | medtech |
358914592 | 2023-06-21 | 1200 | NULL | 1023957457 | done | dr. Dave | 10111012317 | 64242 | 32347 |
I want the query to show the names of the pathologist, reviewee and medtech rather than their primary keys
like this
receiptId | date | price | salesRep | PatientId | stat | reqDoc | reviewwee | patho | medtech |
358914592 | 2023-06-21 | 1200 | NULL | 1023957457 | done | dr. Dave | nurse Joy | Dr. Hawk browns | michaela jose |
You need to use Joins in order to display that information.
select receiptId, date, price, patient,..., path.name...
from receipt as rec
join pathologist as path on rec.pathId = path.Ud
where receiptId = 358914592`