I have a new Win32 application I'm starting in C++ with MFC.
It's my understanding that I should be able to use the resource view to edit the GUI elements of the application and add new controls. When I try to add a new resource, however, I'm presented with a list that includes toolbar, bitmap, and a few other options but seems to be missing the most basic and most common Windows elements.
For example, where is the edit box, label, scroll viewer, stack panel, combo box, and button?
Am I going about this incorrectly, and if so, how do I add these basic elements to the view?
Since it was my intention to add UI and control elements to the main window, I didn't want to be restricted to using only popup dialogs. To me that seems like an odd design decision and not how most modern applications work.
When creating a new MFC project, I found out we can select "Dialog Based" for Application Type instead of Single Document / Multiple Documents, and I created a new project with that selection.
In addition, I found out Visual Studio doesn't display the Toolbox by default (at least not for me). I had to go to View->Toolbox before it would show up, even while in resource view.