I have a really simple IG on my page:
CREATE TABLE my_table (id number, date_from date, date_to date)
IG is editable (selecting all 3 columns from my_table) and users are able to edit both date fields. I'm trying to create a validation for the dates (function body returning error text):
if TO_DATE(:date_from, 'MM/DD/YYYY') > TO_DATE(:date_to, 'MM/DD/YYYY') then return
'To date must be prior From date';
else null;
end if;
(all options on said validations haven't been modified) Validation is not doing anything, not sure why. Anybody can help?
This is Apex 23.1.1 on apex.oracle.com. I created sample table and interactive grid based on it.
dates are in dd.mm.yyyy format
validation is set to date to column, a function body that returns error text:
return case when :date_from > :date_to then
'To date must be prior From date'
This is how execution looks like: