I'm using the jira.js
node library and have used it to successfully create versions and query issues. Now I would like to assign the version to those issues, but cannot get the desired effect after some googling and ChatGPT querying.
What I've tried is:
import { IssueProperties } from 'jira.js/out/version3'
const issuePropsUpdate = new IssueProperties(jiraClient) // I know jiraClient works
const issueIds = ['123', '456', '789']
const versionId = '101112'
const res = await issuePropsUpdate.bulkSetIssuesProperties({
entitiesIds: issueIds.map((issue) => Number(issue)),
properties: {
fixVersions: [
add: {
id: Number(versionId),
I do get a response, and it tells me it's successful, but nothing happens to the issues. Here is the response from this request:
self: 'REDACTED',
description: 'Bulk multiple.update of Issue (matching: 33036,33895) property fixVersions',
status: 'COMPLETE',
message: 'Bulk update of 2 issues completed',
result: {
updatedTotal: 2,
errors: { errors: {}, errorMessages: [], reasons: [] }
submittedBy: 10036,
progress: 100,
elapsedRuntime: 36,
submitted: 1687879190262,
started: 1687879190286,
finished: 1687879190322,
lastUpdate: 1687879190322
EDIT: I've asked how to do this on the github repository https://github.com/MrRefactoring/jira.js/issues/268
EDIT: Found a way to do this with the JIRA SDK
import { Issues } from 'jira.js/out/version3'
const issuesClient = new Issues(jiraClient) // I know jiraClient
const issueIds = ['123', '456', '789']
const versionId = 'NEW_FIX_VERSION'
await Promise.all(
issueIds.map(async (issueId) => {
await issues.editIssue({
issueIdOrKey: issueId,
update: {
fixVersions: [{ add: { name: release.name } }],
Below is how you do it with axios if you'd like
await axios.put(
update: {
fixVersions: [{ add: { name: version.name } }],
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(