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Shopware 6 Twig - HTML Entity decode

I try to decode html entities like & which are inside the products description and should be decoded for Feedexport.

As the entities are already inside of the description the |raw filter will not work. It seems that |html_entity_decode is not available in Shopware 6 Twig?

Are there any other options to decode entities like & in twig?


  • Other than replacing every possible html entity with the decoded value, no.

    You could create a small plugin that adds a twig filter for decoding html entities.

    <!-- <plugin root>/src/Resources/config/services.xml -->
        <service id="SwagExample\Twig\HtmlEntityDecodeExtension" public="true">
            <tag name="twig.extension"/>
    <?php declare(strict_types=1);
    namespace SwagExample\Twig;
    use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
    use Twig\TwigFilter;
    class HtmlEntityDecodeExtension extends AbstractExtension
        public function getFilters(): array
            return [
                new TwigFilter('html_entity_decode', $this->htmlEntityDecode(...), ['is_safe' => ['html']]),
        public function htmlEntityDecode(string $text): string
            return html_entity_decode($text);

    Then product.description|html_entity_decode etc should work.