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Azure OpenAi disable public internet access

In Open AI networking section I have set the "allow access from" to disabled. Due to this configuration I have created private endpoint so I cannot connect to my Open AI via virtual network. However, I can now connect from public internet and from virtual network. How can I disable public internet completely?


  • I can now connect from public internet and from virtual network. How can I disable public internet completely?

    If you create an OpenAI with a Private Endpoint, it only blocks the Chat Service inside OpenAI Studio. However, you can't block OpenAI Studio itself, as it's a cloud-based service that must be accessed through the public internet.

    Portal View:

    enter image description here

    VIrtual Network Configuration

    enter image description here

    To secure your Cognitive Services resource, you should first disable all access to traffic from all networks by default. Then, you should configure rules that grant access to traffic from specific VNets.

    Refer this MS Doc for more details about Cognitive Services resources.