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How to create a script that will access all folders, subfolders and unzip the files to read the log

I am trying to create a script that it will access a directory and check all the folders, but inside those folders are zip files that need to be unzipped, after that I will read the log file searching for a key word.

$WST = "S:\Docker\Logs\JP43001WST01"
$Dir_List = "S:\File.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Directory S:\Docker\Logs\JP43001WST01 | ForEach-Object { $_.Name } > $Dir_List
$Folders = Get-Content $Dir_List

foreach($folder in $Folders)
    $files = Get-ChildItem $WST\$folder -Recurse -Filter *.zip | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }
    foreach ($file in $files)
        Expand-Archive $WST\$folder\$file -DestinationPath "S:\Unzip"
        $logs = Get-ChildItem "S:\Unzip" | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }

        foreach ($log in $logs)
            Get-Content -Path "S:\Unzip\$log" | findstr "Error processing BC 'onAfterSWDayOpen'"



I am stuck on the foreach loop. The folder structure would be something like:


But inside WST01 are many subfolders with different names, and inside the subfolder are many different zip files. And each zip file contains one log file.

I could fix the issue using foreach the issue that I am facing now is that the log files are too big, and when I use the findstr is not working.


  • I think it would be easier if you were to use a helper function to unzip the log file from each zip.

    Start your code with this:

    function Extract-LogFile {
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)]
            [string]$Extension = '.log'
        Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
        # create the destination folder if this does not yet exist
        $null = New-Item $DestinationPath -ItemType Directory -Force
        # make sure we are using absolute paths
        $zipSource = Convert-Path -LiteralPath $SourceArchive
        $unzipDest = Convert-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath
        try {
            $archive  = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($zipSource)
            $logFiles = $archive.Entries | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*$Extension"}
            if (@($logFiles).Count) {
                $logFiles | ForEach-Object {
                    # create the full path and filename for the unzipped file
                    $fileOut = Join-Path -Path $unzipDest -ChildPath $_.Name
                    # $true to overwrite an existing file that has the same name as the destination file
                    [IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($_, $fileOut, $true)
                    # output an object with both the path to the zip archive and the path of the unzipped log file
                    [PsCustomObject]@{Archive = $zipSource; LogFile = $fileOut}
            else {
                Write-Warning "No '$Extension' file found in $zipSource.."
        finally {
            # clean-up
            if ($archive) {$archive.Dispose()}

    Then add your main code below:

    $WST    = "S:\Docker\Logs\JP43001WST01"
    $result = Get-ChildItem -Path $WST -Filter '*.zip' -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
        $logs = @(Extract-LogFile -SourceArchive $_.FullName -DestinationPath 'S:\Unzip' -Extension '.log')
        foreach ($item in $logs) {
            # if as you say the log files are huge, use switch to read line-by-line
            $found = $false
            switch -Wildcard -File $item.LogFile {
                "*Error processing BC 'onAfterSWDayOpen'*" { $found = $true; break }
            if ($found) {
                # output the object where this string was found
    # output on screen
    $result | Format-Table -AutoSize
    # send output to CSV file
    $result | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\Somewhere\errorlogs.csv' -NoTypeInformation