I'd like to use map to pass a list of arguments as criteria for joins.
I've tried map2
, but I'm open to using rowwise
, or even a non iterative method.
tbl1 <- diamonds %>% head(100)
tbl2 <- diamonds %>% head(400)
list_1 <- c("cut", "color")
list_2 <- c("cut", "color")
,.f =
Two things:
and .y
using !!
call were slightly wronglibrary(tidyverse)
tbl1 <- diamonds %>% head(100)
tbl2 <- diamonds %>% head(400)
list_1 <- c("cut", "color")
list_2 <- c("cut", "color")
.f =
by=join_by(!! .x == !! .y),
#> [[1]]
#> # A tibble: 100 × 19
#> carat.x cut color.x clarity.x depth.x table.x price.x x.x y.x z.x
#> <dbl> <ord> <ord> <ord> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0.23 Ideal E SI2 61.5 55 326 3.95 3.98 2.43
#> 2 0.21 Premium E SI1 59.8 61 326 3.89 3.84 2.31
#> 3 0.23 Good E VS1 56.9 65 327 4.05 4.07 2.31
#> 4 0.29 Premium I VS2 62.4 58 334 4.2 4.23 2.63
#> 5 0.31 Good J SI2 63.3 58 335 4.34 4.35 2.75
#> 6 0.24 Very Good J VVS2 62.8 57 336 3.94 3.96 2.48
#> 7 0.24 Very Good I VVS1 62.3 57 336 3.95 3.98 2.47
#> 8 0.26 Very Good H SI1 61.9 55 337 4.07 4.11 2.53
#> 9 0.22 Fair E VS2 65.1 61 337 3.87 3.78 2.49
#> 10 0.23 Very Good H VS1 59.4 61 338 4 4.05 2.39
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: carat.y <dbl>, color.y <ord>, clarity.y <ord>,
#> # depth.y <dbl>, table.y <dbl>, price.y <int>, x.y <dbl>, y.y <dbl>,
#> # z.y <dbl>
#> [[2]]
#> # A tibble: 100 × 19
#> carat.x cut.x color clarity.x depth.x table.x price.x x.x y.x z.x
#> <dbl> <ord> <ord> <ord> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0.23 Ideal E SI2 61.5 55 326 3.95 3.98 2.43
#> 2 0.21 Premium E SI1 59.8 61 326 3.89 3.84 2.31
#> 3 0.23 Good E VS1 56.9 65 327 4.05 4.07 2.31
#> 4 0.29 Premium I VS2 62.4 58 334 4.2 4.23 2.63
#> 5 0.31 Good J SI2 63.3 58 335 4.34 4.35 2.75
#> 6 0.24 Very Good J VVS2 62.8 57 336 3.94 3.96 2.48
#> 7 0.24 Very Good I VVS1 62.3 57 336 3.95 3.98 2.47
#> 8 0.26 Very Good H SI1 61.9 55 337 4.07 4.11 2.53
#> 9 0.22 Fair E VS2 65.1 61 337 3.87 3.78 2.49
#> 10 0.23 Very Good H VS1 59.4 61 338 4 4.05 2.39
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: carat.y <dbl>, cut.y <ord>, clarity.y <ord>,
#> # depth.y <dbl>, table.y <dbl>, price.y <int>, x.y <dbl>, y.y <dbl>,
#> # z.y <dbl>
Created on 2023-06-28 with reprex v2.0.2