In Azure Data Explorer, I am trying to remove rows from a table which the rows contain language == "en-us". Here's the syntax:
.delete table tableName records <| tableName | where language == "en-us"
But I got this error:
"code": "BadRequest_SyntaxError", "message": "Request is invalid and cannot be executed.", "@type": "Kusto.Data.Exceptions.SyntaxException", "@message": "Syntax error: ",
What should be the right syntax? I followed this tutorial:
Cannot delete records from tables with data in V2 format
The soft delete feature is only available on ADX clusters that are running on Engine V3. Refer the Limitations and considerations for deletion.
In General Availability (GA), new clusters are created in EngineV3 mode by default. SLA applies to all EngineV3 and EngineV2 production clusters. To migrate EngineV2 clusters, please create a support ticket. The migration process itself requires minimal downtime of less than a minute and does not have material impact on ingestion and query performance.
Reference: Azure Data Explorer Kusto EngineV3 | Microsoft Learn