I'm displaying a simple NavigationStack
with some options, which navigate to a component with a NavigationView
that looks something like this:
NavigationView {
List(courseMetadata.lessons, selection: $selection) { lesson in
NavigationLink {
LessonDetail(lesson: lesson)
} label: {
LessonRow(lesson: lesson)
.navigationTitle("Main title")
my problem is that the inner NavigationLinks
seems to be pushing LessonDetail
on the top NavigationStack
instead of the NavigationView
, losing the left menu as in the expected result below.-
I actually managed to get this result by replacing NavigationView
for a NavigationSplitView
, like this.-
NavigationSplitView {
List(courseMetadata.lessons, selection: $selection) { lesson in
NavigationLink(value: lesson) {
LessonRow(lesson: lesson)
.navigationTitle("\(courseMetadata.lessons.count) Lessons")
} detail : {
if let lesson = selection {
LessonDetail(lesson: lesson)
.navigationTitle("Main title")
which might be good enough, but unfortunately I'm losing the nice styles the system sets for NavigationView.-
So, my question is, is there any way to specify in which NavigationView I want to stack my detail view?
Alternatively, if there's any "straightforward" way to setup NavigationSplitView
so that it looks like NavigationView (nice container background, horizontal dividers and chevron icons), that'd do the trick too :)
Was deprecated a few OS versions ago, I wouldn’t expect vision OS to work with it.
Alternatively you can use