I am trying to add values from a dynamic array of integers called utfChars
to a new dynamic array called suspiciousCharactersDetected
but only when they match a specific criteria.
The criteria is that if the value is in the range defined by the suspiciousCharacters
variable then it should be in suspiciousCharactersDetected
else nothing.
How would I do this?
Here is what I have tried so far. When I run this, it prints out all of the values in the dynamic array and not just the "suspicious" ones.
let suspiciousCharacters = range(126,1327,1);
datatable(Column1: dynamic)
| where Column1 has_any (suspiciousCharacters)
//Missing something here?
| mv-expand suspiciousCharactersDetected = Column1 to typeof(int)
| summarize SuspiciousCharacterDetected=makeset(suspiciousCharactersDetected)
you could use the set_intersect()
for example:
let suspiciousCharacters = range(126, 1327, 1);
datatable(utfChars: dynamic)
dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 150, 160]),
dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16]),
dynamic([1300, 1400, -1700])
| extend suspiciousCharactersDetected = set_intersect(suspiciousCharacters, utfChars)
| where array_length(suspiciousCharactersDetected) > 0
utfChars | suspiciousCharactersDetected |
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 150, 160 ] |
[ 150, 160 ] |
[ 1300, 1400, -1700 ] |
[ 1300 ] |
or, you could use the mv-apply
operator, and the make_set()
aggregation function.
for example:
let suspiciousCharacters = range(126, 1327, 1);
datatable(utfChars: dynamic)
dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 150, 160]),
dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16]),
dynamic([1300, 1400, -1700])
| where utfChars has_any (suspiciousCharacters)
| mv-apply c = utfChars to typeof(int) on (
where c in(suspiciousCharacters)
| summarize suspiciousCharactersDetected = make_set(c)
utfChars | suspiciousCharactersDetected |
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 150, 160 ] |
[ 150, 160 ] |
[ 1300, 1400, -1700 ] |
[ 1300 ] |