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How does fully create an internal release on Google Play Console via API?

I am automating the creation of internal app release using the Google Play Console Developer API.

I can make the API creating a draft release for my draft app by:

  1. Create a new edit
  2. Upload a bundle to the edit
  3. Update the track for the edit to be "internal" with status of "draft"
  4. Commit the edit against my package

However, I still need to go into the UI and manually click Edit release" then Next, then Save to get an internal release to send to people

What extra steps am I missing from my Api calls to get to fully automate this process, please?

enter image description here


  • OK, so it turns out the reason why I could only create a draft release via the API was that I had not promoted a single release to another track.

    When I manually promoted the internal release to "closed alpha" (which required me to add all the icons and screenshots etc.), then the API magically starts to allow me to set the status to be "completed" for the "internal" track, which it only previously allowed me to do via the UI by editing and saving the "draft" release created via the API.

    I'm sure there’s method behind Google's madness on this one but it sure did confuse me!