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Invalid nonce and timestamp Garmin access token API response using oauthSwift

I am trying to connect Garmin with my app. I have authToken and verifier but when I call API I get "invalid nonce and timestamp response. This is code below to make my signature header

        var parameter = OAuthSwift.Parameters()
        parameter = ["oauth_verifier": "HGJNBBHJ", "oauth_token": "d9209df0-044e-4872-817e-51caa0b38edb"]

        let oauthswift = OAuth1Swift(
            consumerKey:    "********",
            consumerSecret: "********"

this is the code to make header

let head = oauthswift.client.credential.makeHeaders(URL(string: "")!, method: .POST, parameters: parameter)

this is the header I got.

["Authorization": "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"********\", oauth_nonce=\"01C7E0DF\", oauth_signature=\"uAZhDpkU3REnm%2Fs%2BEbEK9KPT3wM%3D\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\"1585117527\", oauth_token=\"d9209df0-044e-4872-817e-51caa0b38edb\", oauth_verifier=\"NvyJlPDlzY\", oauth_version=\"1.0\""]

but when I call I get invalid nonce and timestamp error in response.

anyone who can help me out?


  • The signing of the request is different from the one of

    For the request token request you need to sign the signature base string with : Consumer Secret, including trailing '&' character(ex: asdfpoqw912349234&)

    For access token request you need to sign the signature base string with: Consumer Secret and Request Token Secret, separated with '&' character ( ex: 21304-8hfgdiouy84&012384nlsfdao793492). The request token secret is returned but the request token call.