I am looking for a detailed code example for a line chart with at least 2 y-axis that have different ranges.
I am aware of the example in the documentation here: https://docs.taipy.io/en/release-2.1/manuals/gui/viselements/charts/basics/#adding-a-trace
But following the given snipets it doesn't work for me. I am assuming that I interpret some of the given code segments not correct.
Any help that shows a complete code example would be helpful.
Here the code you want to look for. The second chart has two y axis.
from taipy import Gui
x_range = range(-10, 11)
# The data set holds the _x_ series and two distinct series for _y_
data = {
"Date": x_range,
"Starts": [x*x for x in x_range],
"Duration": [(100-x*x)/50 for x in x_range]
layout = {
"yaxis2": {
# Second axis overlays with the first y axis
"overlaying": "y",
# Place the second axis on the right
"side": "right",
# and give it a title
"title": "Second y axis"
"legend": {
# Place the legend above chart
"yanchor": "bottom"
page = """
# Basics - Multiple axis
Shared axis:
With two axis:
refers to the second 'y' of the graph. This syntax somes from the Plotly yaxis anchor.