I have following code snippet and I would like to filter the values based on the selected Item ( which is string ) and don't to process complete object within switchMap.
Inside switchMap there is a call which is going to server side for fetching dynamic data. This call returns list of objects.
So I want to filter something like typeof value == string
. If this condition is true then call should be made to server side other wise api must not get called.
filter((value) => typeof value === string) -----------------> here I want to filter..
tap(() => {
this.errorMsg = "";
this.filteredSurveyItems = [];
this.isLoading = true;
switchMap(value => this.fetchOptions(value).pipe(finalize(() => { this.isLoading = false }),))
).subscribe((data: any) => {
if ( data )
this.errorMsg = "";
this.filteredSurveyItems = data;
this.errorMsg = "No survey found..."
this.filteredSurveyItems = [];
fetchOptions(value: string): Observable<Survey[]> {
return this.surveySearchService.getSurveysByInput(value);
You can filter using typeof, you just need quotes around the name of the type:
const filtered$ = source$.pipe(
filter(item => typeof item === 'string')
Also, you can include a Type Predicate so that the type is narrowed after your filter
// assume source$ is type Observable<any>
const filtered$ = source$.pipe(
filter((item): item is string => typeof item === 'string'),
map(item => item) // item is inferred as: string
Here's a little StackBlitz example.