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How Do I Sort and Display a PowerShell Array?

I'm trying to sort an array of System.IO.FileInfo objects by lastWriteTime, then display each entry’s file name, lastWriteTime & file size on the console.

But before I can output anything, the entire array (1,100+ items) is written to the console in tabular format, and I can’t figure out how to stop it.

Here’s the sort code ($queue is the System.IO.FileInfo array).

$queue | Sort-Object -property lastWriteTime 

I tried piping Sort-Object’s output to out-null, but it had no effect.

Does anyone see what I’m doing wrong, or know where to find a working example? None of the examples I’ve seen online shed any light on the issue.

$PSVersionTable output:

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.3.4
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.3.4
OS                             Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045
Platform                       Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0

Sorry for squished-up version info. The forum software has a mind of its own.


  • Finally found a solution. I only wanted to see the sorted entries to confirm that my new file selection criteria (created/modified after a certain date) was working properly. It turns out Format-Table met that need. Here’s the code, if anyone’s interested:

        [System.IO.FileInfo[]] $queue = $null
        if ($true -eq $ignoreLastUploadDate) {
           $queue = Find-FilesNewOrChangedSinceLastUpload -ignoreLastUploadDate true
       } else {             
       here` $queue = Find-FilesNewOrChangedSinceLastUpload 
       $fileCount = ($null -eq $queue ? 0 : [int]$queue.length)
       if ($fileCount -eq 0) {
          Write-Host "Found no new/changed files`n"
       } else {
          if ($false -eq $ignoreLastUploadDate) {               # If selected files by date
             $queue | Sort-Object -property lastWriteTime | `
             Format-Table -property name, lastWriteTime, length # Sort to verify date-time selection worked          
       $totalBytes = 0
       foreach ($file in $queue) {
          $totalBytes += $file.length
       $suffix = $fileCount -eq 1 ? "" : "s"
       Write-Host $("`n{0:n0} file$suffix, {1:n0} bytes`n" -f $fileCount, $totalBytes)
       return $queue