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How to construct and access libcu++' <cuda/std/mdspan> on the host

libcu++ 2.1.0 includes an mdspan implementation for nvcc for c++14 and later. I tried to implement the mdspan sample code from cppreference ( with nvcc 12.0 and libcu++ 2.1.0

I noticed two problems.

First, I am unable to construct the mdspan in the same way as in the example.

no instance of constructor "mdspan" matches the argument list argument types are: (int *, int, int)

Second, the access to mdspan via operator[] does not compile

error: no operator "[]" matches these operands operand types are: cuda::std::__4::mdspan<int, cuda::std::__4::extents<std::size_t, 2UL, 3UL, 2UL>, cuda::std::__4::layout_right, cuda::std::__4::default_accessor> [ std::size_t ]

1. How does one specify an extent in the constructor which is not known at compile-time?

2. How to access the data of mdspan?

Below is my code which does not compile with nvcc -Ilibcudacxx-2.1.0/include/ -std=c++17 -o main .

#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>

#include <cuda/std/mdspan>
int main()
    std::vector v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
    //error: no instance of constructor "mdspan" matches the argument list. argument types are: (int *, int, int)
    //auto ms2 = cuda::std::mdspan(, 2, 6); 
    //auto ms3 = cuda::std::mdspan(, 2, 3, 2);

    //no compilation error with compile-time extents
    cuda::std::mdspan<int, cuda::std::extents<std::size_t, 2,6>> ms2(; 
    cuda::std::mdspan<int, cuda::std::extents<std::size_t, 2,3,2>> ms3(; 
    // write data using 2D view
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != ms2.extent(0); i++)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j != ms2.extent(1); j++)
            //no operator "[]" matches these operands. operand types are: cuda::std::__4::mdspan<int, cuda::std::__4::extents<std::size_t, 2UL, 6UL>, cuda::std::__4::layout_right, cuda::std::__4::default_accessor<int>> [ std::size_t ]
        ms2[i, j] = i * 1000 + j;
    // read back using 3D view
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != ms3.extent(0); i++)
        printf("slice @ i = %lu\n", i);
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j != ms3.extent(1); j++)
            for (std::size_t k = 0; k != ms3.extent(2); k++)
                printf("%d ",  ms3[i, j, k]);


  • The libcu++ implementation of mdspan is based on the reference implementation by Kokkos which has some caveats in the readme:

    This implementation is fully conforming with the version of mdspan voted into the C++23 draft standard in July 2022. When not in C++23 mode the implementation deviates from the proposal as follows:


    • implements operator() not operator[]
      • note you can control which operator is available with defining MDSPAN_USE_BRACKET_OPERATOR=[0,1] and MDSPAN_USE_PAREN_OPERATOR=[0,1] irrespective of whether multi dimensional subscript support is detected.


    • mdspan has a default constructor even in cases where it shouldn't (i.e. all static extents, and default constructible mapping/accessor)
    • the conditional explicit markup is missing, making certain constructors implicit
      • most notably you can implicitly convert from dynamic extent to static extent, which you can't in C++20 mode
    • there is a constraint on layout_left::mapping::stride(), layout_right::mapping::stride() and layout_stride::mapping::stride() that extents_type::rank() > 0 is true, which is not implemented in C++17 or C++14.


    • deduction guides don't exist
    • submdspan (P2630) is not available - an earlier variant of submdspan is available up to release 0.5 in C++14 mode
    • benchmarks are not available (they need submdspan)

    The reason for the reference implementation using operator() instead of operator[] (see section "C++20" above) is that operator[] with multiple arguments is a C++23 feature so it can't be ported to earlier C++ versions. Therefore one needs:

            ms2(i, j) = i * 1000 + j;


                    printf("%d ",  ms3(i, j, k));


    The constructor that is used in the sample is implemented for C++17 and later (C++14 does not have the necessary CTAD*/deduction guides), or at least they have a test for it. CTAD might be turned off for some (host-) compilers/versions, but there is an alternative way of specifying dynamic extents without CTAD:

    int main() {
        using Ext2D = cuda::std::dextents<int, 2>;
        using Ext3D = cuda::std::dextents<int, 3>;
        auto ms2 = cuda::std::mdspan<int, Ext2D>(, Ext2D(2, 6));
        // This also works, i.e. CTAD doesn't seem to work,
        // but mdspan's variadic constructor does work in C++14 and C++17
        auto ms3 = cuda::std::mdspan<int, Ext3D>(, 2, 3, 2);

    *CTAD: Class Template Argument Deduction