I want to create a static class, which will act as fixed size memory allocator.
Lets look at this simplified example:
struct A {};
struct B {};
template<class T, std::size_t MaxNumObjects>
class InternalContainer
static constexpr std::size_t maxObjects = MaxNumObjects;
static T* createObject()
return ::new(&objects[idx++]) T;
static T* releaseObject() { /*...*/ };
using buffer_t = std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>;
static buffer_t objects[maxObjects];
static std::size_t idx;
A* a = InternalContainer<A, 2>::createObject();
B* b = InternalContainer<B, 5>::createObject();
How can I predefine the maximum size of the container based on type?
// will be replaced "InternalContainer<A, 2>"
A* a = MyContainer<A>::createObject();
// will be replaced "InternalContainer<B, 5>"
B* b = MyContainer<B>::createObject();
I have tried something like this, but it does not work:
template<class T>
using MyContainer = InternalContainer<A, 2>;
template<class T>
using MyContainer = InternalContainer<B, 5>;
This can be easily accomplished by explicitly specializing a variable template, e.g.:
struct A {};
struct B {};
struct C {};
// default size for all InternalContainers
template<class T>
constexpr std::size_t InternalContainerDefaultSize = 64;
// specialization for A
constexpr std::size_t InternalContainerDefaultSize<A> = 2;
// specialization for B
constexpr std::size_t InternalContainerDefaultSize<B> = 5;
template<class T, std::size_t MaxNumObjects = InternalContainerDefaultSize<T>>
class InternalContainer {
/* ... */
InternalContainer<A> aContainer; // size will be 2
InternalContainer<B> bContainer; // size will be 5
InternalContainer<C> cContainer; // size will be 64
// default size can be overriden by explicitly specifying another size
InternalContainer<A, 10> aContainer; // size will be 10