I'm using an AbstractMessageSourceAdvice
to achieve an action after polling on a folder but is is deprecated , what is the replacement class to this one and do you have a tutorial.
Here is my code:
public class EmptyFolderAdvice extends AbstractMessageSourceAdvice {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmptyFolderAdvice.class);
public Message<?> afterReceive(Message<?> message, MessageSource<?> source) {
if (message == null) {
LOGGER.info("Empty folder , the process will stop");
return message;
I thought it should be very clear from JavaDocs of that deprecated class:
* @deprecated since 5.3 in favor of {@link MessageSourceMutator}.
public abstract class AbstractMessageSourceAdvice implements MessageSourceMutator {
I don't remember that I recommended you somewhere to use that abstract class: Spring integration stop gracefully application when no file in directory
You definitely don't even need that "mutator" variant: you really don't mutate a message source, but whole application to make it stop.
It also says that you use some old Spring Integration version. Consider to upgrade to the latest one: https://spring.io/projects/spring-integration#learn