I am working on Magento 2. We are using tailwind for design.
Here is my tailwind directory
in here I have package.json
it contains below code
"name": "some them name",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "some theme desc",
"main": "tailwind.config.js",
"dependencies": {
"@some-themes/some-modules": "^1.0.4",
"@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.3",
"@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.7",
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.14",
"browser-sync": "^2.27.10",
"postcss-import": "^14.1.0",
"tailwindcss": "^3.2.4",
"watch": "^1.0.2"
"devDependencies": {
"postcss": "^8.4.24"
"scripts": {
"build": "NODE_ENV=production npx tailwindcss --postcss -i tailwind-source.css -o ../css/styles.css --minify",
"watch": "NODE_ENV=development npx tailwindcss --postcss -i tailwind-source.css -o ../css/styles.css --watch --verbose",
"build-dev": "echo DEVELOPMENT builds are NOT SUPPORTED by tailwind v3, please use the 'watch' or 'build-prod' commands instead. && exit 1",
"build-prod": "npm run build && npm run output-success",
"browser-sync": "browser-sync start --config ./browser-sync.config.js",
"output-success": "echo \"\\033[0;32mDone!\\033[0m\""
"engines": {
"node": ">=14.0.0"
"author": "Some Themes BV",
"license": "proprietary",
"private": true
in the same directory I have tailwind.config.js
which contains below code
const {
} = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme');
const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors');
const someModules = require('@some-themes/some-modules');
module.exports = somethemeModules.mergeTailwindConfig({
theme: {
extend: {
screens: {
'sm': '640px',
// => @media (min-width: 640px) { ... }
'md': '768px',
// => @media (min-width: 768px) { ... }
'lg': '1024px',
// => @media (min-width: 1024px) { ... }
'xl': '1280px',
// => @media (min-width: 1280px) { ... }
'2xl': '1536px' // => @media (min-width: 1536px) { ... }
fontFamily: {
sans: ["Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", "Arial", "sans-serif"],
'openSans':['Open Sans'],
colors: {
primary: {
lighter: colors.blue['300'],
"DEFAULT": colors.blue['800'],
darker: colors.blue['900']
secondary: {
lighter: colors.blue['100'],
"DEFAULT": colors.blue['200'],
darker: colors.blue['300']
background: {
lighter: colors.blue['100'],
"DEFAULT": colors.blue['200'],
darker: colors.blue['300']
green: colors.emerald,
yellow: colors.amber,
purple: colors.violet
textColor: {
orange: colors.orange,
red: { ...colors.red,
"DEFAULT": colors.red['500']
primary: {
lighter: colors.gray['700'],
"DEFAULT": colors.gray['800'],
darker: colors.gray['900']
secondary: {
lighter: colors.gray['400'],
"DEFAULT": colors.gray['600'],
darker: colors.gray['800']
backgroundColor: {
primary: {
lighter: colors.blue['600'],
"DEFAULT": colors.blue['700'],
darker: colors.blue['800']
secondary: {
lighter: colors.blue['100'],
"DEFAULT": colors.blue['200'],
darker: colors.blue['300']
container: {
lighter: '#ffffff',
"DEFAULT": '#fafafa',
darker: '#f5f5f5'
borderColor: {
primary: {
lighter: colors.blue['600'],
"DEFAULT": colors.blue['700'],
darker: colors.blue['800']
secondary: {
lighter: colors.blue['100'],
"DEFAULT": colors.blue['200'],
darker: colors.blue['300']
container: {
lighter: '#f5f5f5',
"DEFAULT": '#e7e7e7',
darker: '#b6b6b6'
minWidth: {
8: spacing["8"],
20: spacing["20"],
40: spacing["40"],
48: spacing["48"]
minHeight: {
14: spacing["14"],
'screen-25': '25vh',
'screen-50': '50vh',
'screen-75': '75vh'
maxHeight: {
'0': '0',
'screen-25': '25vh',
'screen-50': '50vh',
'screen-75': '75vh'
container: {
center: true,
padding: '1.5rem'
plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/forms'), require('@tailwindcss/typography')],
// Examples for excluding patterns from purge
content: [
In the same directory I have postcss.config.js
which containes below code
const { postcssImportSomethemeModules } = require("@some-themes/some-modules");
module.exports = {
plugins: [
In the same directory I have tailwind-source.css
which contains
/* purgecss start ignore */
@import "tailwindcss/base";
@import "tailwindcss/components";
@import url(components/category-page.css);
@import url(components/product-prices.css);
@import url(components/cart.css);
@import url(components/customer.css);
@import url(components/forms.css);
@import url(components/messages.css);
@import url(components/product-list.css);
@import url(components/product-page.css);
@import url(components/wishlist.css);
@import url(components/modal.css);
@import url(components/slider.css);
@import url(components/structure.css);
@import url(components/swatches.css);
@import url(components/button.css);
@import url(components/theming.css);
@import url(components/transitions.css);
@import url(components/typography.css);
@import url(components/page-builder.css);
@import url(components/input.css);
/* purgecss end ignore */
@import "tailwindcss/utilities";
@import "theme.css";
In this directory app/design/frontend/ThemeVendor/themename/web/css/
I have my styles.css
Now in the terminal if go to ..app/design/frontend/ThemeVendor/themename/web/tailwind/
and run num run build-prod
it generates new css in styles.css
But when I run npm run watch
and if I change anything in my html,phtml files
It shows Rebulding has done but what it does is it only unminify my css/styles.css
It does not add new css as I change my html,phtml files
For example if I add in footer.phtml
<h1 class="bg-pink-400">Test</h1>
now bg-pink-400
is a tailwind class but when I use npm run watch
It does not add css for that in my css/styles.css
But When I run npm run build-prod
It does and changes shows up when I reload page
So basicaly command npm run build-prod
works and npm run watch
does not work.
Let me know if you want to know code of any other files Any help or guidance would be great.
Update to my issue:
if I make my tailwind-source.css
file like this
/* purgecss start ignore */
/*@import "tailwindcss/base";
@import "tailwindcss/components";*/
/*@import url(components/category-page.css);
@import url(components/product-prices.css);
@import url(components/cart.css);
@import url(components/customer.css);
@import url(components/forms.css);
@import url(components/messages.css);
@import url(components/product-list.css);
@import url(components/product-page.css);
@import url(components/wishlist.css);
@import url(components/modal.css);
@import url(components/slider.css);
@import url(components/structure.css);
@import url(components/swatches.css);
@import url(components/button.css);
@import url(components/theming.css);
@import url(components/transitions.css);
@import url(components/typography.css);
@import url(components/page-builder.css);
@import url(components/input.css);*/
/* purgecss end ignore */
/*@import "tailwindcss/utilities";
@import "theme.css";*/
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
I have commented everything and kept below code
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
Doing this my npm run watch
command works and it generates css for classes as Add in any html,phtml files in css/styles.css
So maybe now if anyone can help why is that?
I got my solution like this
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
out put was - 29933
we changed it to - 524288
Now npm run watch
command is working fine. It's adding css as I add class in any phtml files