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How to update a column based on multiple string of another column in SQL Server?

I have a table with two strings in a column. I am trying to update the multicode column based on the EN in Lookup table. Below are the tables:

#Lookup table

Annual meadow grass 45
Growth regulation 828
Leaf scald 971
Weeds - Broadleaf 1997

#Table that must be updated

ResponseCode EN Multicode
6d5j87 Annual meadow grass,Weeds - Broadleaf NULL
6d5j87 Growth regulation, Leaf scald NULL
6d5j87 Leaf scald, Weeds - Broadleaf NULL

#Expected Table output

ResponseCode EN Multicode
6d5j87 Annual meadow grass,Weeds - Broadleaf 45,1997
6d5j87 Growth regulation 828
6d5j87 Leaf scald, Weeds - Broadleaf 971,1997

Current code:

select EN, ID From #TargetFlatten1
select ResponseCode, EN, Multicode From #targettest


  • One option turns the CSV string to rows with string_split(), does the lookup, then aggregates back the codes with string_agg:

    select t.responseCode, t.en, x.multicode
    from mytable t
    cross apply (
        select string_agg(l.responseCode) within group (order by ordinal) as multicode
        from string_split(t.en, ',', 1)
        inner join mylookup l on l.en = value
    ) x

    value and ordinal are two columns generated by string_split wich store (resp) the single value and its original position in the CSV list.

    If you wanted an update, we can turn the logic to a correlated subquery:

    update t
    set t.multicode = (
        select string_agg(l.responseCode) within group (order by ordinal)
        from string_split(t.en, ',', 1)
        inner join mylookup l on l.en = value
    from mytable t