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How to sort documents by value of json object in couchbase query?

I have the below kind of data stored in my collection called persons, I am using spring-data-couchbase for reading this data in Java POJOs, and I am using the @Query annotation in my PersonsRepository class and writing SQL query for fetching data according to my need.

  ########## Document 1
    "person": [
        "id": "name",
        "value": "abc"
        "id": "age",
        "value": 40
        "id": "country",
        "value": "usa"
    "loggedOn": "2020-07-14"
  ########## Document 2
    "person": [
        "id": "name",
        "value": "def"
        "id": "age",
        "value": 32
        "id": "country",
        "value": "uk"
    "loggedOn": "2020-08-10"

Now I need to write SQL in Couchbase such that I can sort and paginate these documents by providing a value of person's attribute.

I.e. sort by name or sort by age

Note: I do not want to download data in my Java POJO and then do sorting and paging, as it requires huge network bandwidth and I/O due to a large dataset.


  • To sort the values from ARRAY you need ARRAY position and which can vary in your case from document. You have following options:

    Option 1) UNNEST the ARRAY, filter out and do sort based on ARRAY elements

    SELECT, p.`value`
    FROM default AS d
    UNNEST d.person AS p
    WHERE = "age" AND p.`value` > 30
    ORDER BY p.`value`
    OFFSET 10
    LIMIT 5;

    Pre CB 7.1

     CREATE INDEX ix1 ON default (ALL ARRAY FOR p IN person END);

    CB 7.1+

     CREATE INDEX ix1 ON default (ALL ARRAY FLATTEN_KEYS(, p.`value`) FOR p IN person END);

    Option 2) Find the ARRAY element you are interested and Sort based on that (USE primary index)

    SELECT d.*
    FROM default AS d
    LET pObj = FIRST p FOR p IN person WHEN = "age" END
    ORDER BY pObj.`value`
    OFFSET 10
    LIMIT 5;

    Option 3) Change the data model instead of ARRAY use as Object like below (if attributes are unique) and when required use OBJECT functions

    "age": 32,
    "country": "uk",
    "loggedOn": "2020-08-10"
    SELECT d.*
    FROM default AS d
    WHERE  p.age > 30
    ORDER BY p.age
    OFFSET 10
    LIMIT 5;