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Issues when converting xml message to json

I have an xml like this.


I want to convert this to a json.

So, I used below synapse config.

<property name="messageType" scope="axis2" type="STRING" value="application/json"/>
    <property name="synapse.commons.enableXmlNullForEmptyElement" value = "true"/>
    <property name="synapse.commons.json.output.autoPrimitive" value = "false"/>

This is my response.

    "NotANumber": "1234",
    "emptyString": null,
    "boolValue": "true",
    "textMessage": "hello"

Here, "NotANumber" is not a number but a string. "boolValue" is a boolean but not a string. But My response gives "boolValue" as a string.

This is my expected message.

    "NotANumber": "1234",
    "emptyString": null,
    "boolValue": true,
    "textMessage": "hello"

How can I get this response?


  • Finally I found the answer

            <property name="synapse.commons.enableXmlNullForEmptyElement" value="true"/>
            <property name="synapse.commons.json.output.disableAutoPrimitive.regex" value ="^[1-9]*$"/>

    This config works for me. I got the response as expected.