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Type unknown during compile time in Julia

I want to write a Julia program which performs matrix operations such as matrix multiplication, diagonalization, etc. The matrices are user given and read from a file. All matrix operations are formally identical for real or complex matrices, so this is actually a perfect example for a multiple dispatch design Julia. I only have to write one single code, which can handle both cases, all real or all complex.

For instance, I could write all function arguments like

function MatrixOperations(M1::Matrix{<:Number})::Matrix{<:Number}
# my code

However, if the matrices are all real or all complex is decided only during runtime (via user input).

What is best practice to treat this scenario?

In principle the following would do the job:

# user given type info in string TypeInfo
if TypeInfo == "real"
    M = Matrix{Float64}(undef, size)
    M = Matrix{ComplexF64}(undef, size)
read!("matrixfile.bin", M)

However, my gut feeling tells me that

  1. this is awkward / unprofessional code design
  2. this can affect the performance of the matrix operations, since the compiler might not be able to optimize the code.

Are there more elegant ways to handle that in Julia? What would be best practice here?


  • Based on your requirements, as I understand them:

    • You get a user-provided file containing data for a matrix
    • You can only tell the element type by inspecting a user-provided string
    • You must provide a pre-allocated matrix to be filled in from the file.

    Given these points, I don't see any way outside of using a branch (if/else, ternary operator, or try/catch), and then creating a matrix based on that.

    The best solution is the one you suggested in your OP:

    # user given type info in string TypeInfo
    if TypeInfo == "real"
        M = Matrix{Float64}(undef, size)
        M = Matrix{ComplexF64}(undef, size)
    read!("matrixfile.bin", M)

    It is simple and clear, and will also be efficient. There is a cost to dynamic dispatch, but it will probably be in the microseconds range, so as long as it happens a single time, it is negligible. The problem with dynamic dispatch is mainly when it occurs millions of times inside a hot loop.