In my Flutter project, I tried to get a checksum for the string '00020101021230480016A00000067701011201150105523009350080205012095802TH62200716SCOSM800129099915303764540510.006304' to make a payment QR code. The intended checksum string should be 0x0000AAC1 and should be a string type. I tried below lib but failed to get the result.
crclib: ^3.0.0
Neither of The following two lines could return the expected value.
String cdata='00020101021230480016A00000067701011201150105523009350080205012095802TH62200716SCOSM800129099915303764540510.006304';
Crc16Xmodem().convert(utf8.encode(cdata)).toString(); // returns 46184
Crc16Xmodem().convert(utf8.encode(cdata)).toRadixString(16); // returns b468
Please help me, thank you.
need the desired string value 0x0000AAC1 from Crc16Xmodem
If the desired output is AAC1
, you should be using the CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE
algorithm, not Crc16Xmodem
Remember that you need to pad the output too if you want it on the 0x0000xxxx
String cdata = '00020101021230480016A00000067701011201150105523009350080205012095802TH62200716SCOSM800129099915303764540510.006304';
final crc = Crc16CcittFalse().convert(utf8.encode(cdata));
final crcString = '0x${crc.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0')}';
// 0x0000AAC1