Imagine we have the following Interface:
interface FooInterface {
We have two classes that implements this interface:
class Foo implements FooInterface {
class Bar implements FooInterface {
In Symfony I want to inject the Interface and whenever I use FooInterface as DI in a constructor of a class I want the specific class "Foo". E.g.
class SomeClass {
public function __construct(FooInterface $foo) { ... }
So far so good, now I want to inject the Class "Bar" only when Im on the test environement. (.env APP_ENV=test)
Is there a global config that I can use to specify which class will be injected based on the environment ?
Setup parameters for different envs in `config/services.yaml:
- { resource: 'services_' ~ env('APP_ENV') ~ '.yaml' }
in config/services_prod.yaml
set Foo as injected class
Namespace\FooInterface: '@Namespace\Foo'
in config/services_test.yaml
set Bar as injected class
Namespace\FooInterface: '@Namespace\Bar'