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Raspberry Pi Pico W Autostart with Network

I am trying to autostart a pico W program.

I can get it to flash LEDs, but when I add my logic about temp sensor and network, it doesn't autostart anymore.

I save this program to

The program runs when I hit play with Thonny, just does not autostart.

Ignore the messy code, as it's very much a WIP :)

import network
import urequests
import machine
import utime
import gc   # Import the garbage collector
# Connect to network
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
led = machine.Pin("LED", machine.Pin.OUT)
# Fill in your network name (SSID) and password here:
ssid = 'SuperHot'
password = '(pass)'
while not wlan.isconnected():
    wlan.connect(ssid, password)
    utime.sleep(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds before retrying
url = ""
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "text/plain"
LM35 = machine.ADC(0)  #setup analog reading on ADC
Cal_Offset = 5050      #Calibration offset value
                       #Determined from practical testing
def Compute_Temp(Avg_A):
    LM35_A = Avg_A + Cal_Offset           #Add Calibration Adjustment
    LM35_V = LM35_A * .00005              #Convert analog reading to volts
    Tmp_C  = round((LM35_V * 100),1)      #Convert volts to temp celcius
    Tmp_F  = round((Tmp_C * 1.8 + 32),1)  #Convert Tmp_C to Tmp_F
    return Tmp_C, Tmp_F                   #Return Temps
Samples = 0            #Variable holds all samples
Num_Samples = 1        #Counter for num samples collected
while True:
    if Num_Samples <= 10:            #storing a total of 10 samples
        LM35_A = LM35.read_u16()     #Read the ADC port to get sensor data
        Samples = Samples + LM35_A   #Add current reading to sample batch
        Num_Samples += 1             #Increment counter
        Avg_A = Samples / 10             #Get the average of samples
        Samples = 0                      #Reset Samples variable to zero
        Num_Samples = 1                  #Reset counter to one
        T_c, T_f = Compute_Temp(Avg_A)   #Fetch the temps from the function
        data = "Celcius=" + str(T_c) + "  Fahrenheit=" + str(T_f)
        response = urequests.put(url, data=data, headers=headers)
        gc.collect()   # Invoke the garbage collector here
    utime.sleep(.1)  #slow the loop down```


  • Connecting to network does not look right for me, this part I would change to following:

    ssid = 'SuperHot'
    password = '(pass)'
    wlan.connect(ssid, password)   # try to connect
    while not wlan.isconnected():  # and then wait till board connects
        utime.sleep(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds before retrying

    If this does not solve you question- post log from serial console, maybe yu get some errors