NOTE: Might seem like a duplicate of this but it's different because I need to do this via golang while that is in JS.
I want to do the following operation in goSDK on a dynamodb item:
UpdateExpression: 'ADD socialAccounts :socialAccountId',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':socialAccountId': {
'SS': [socialAccountId]
Typically how that works out in GoSDK is:
expression.Add(expression.Name("socialAccounts"), expression.Value([]string{"socialAccountId"}))
However the SDK is not taking the array of strings as a SS
(StringSet) type, but instead as a L
(List) type.
Logged Error:
Error: ValidationException: Invalid UpdateExpression: Incorrect operand type for operator or function; operator: ADD, operand type: LIST, typeSet: ALLOWED_FOR_ADD_OPERAND
I'm unable to find any functionality in the docs that specify how to mention a type.
Can anyone help?
Why I want to do it this way:
does not exist.SET
opearation with list_append
because that can introduce duplicate elements.Use dynamodb.AttributeValue
if you need to specify the type:
package main
import (
func main() {
val := (&dynamodb.AttributeValue{}).SetSS(aws.StringSlice([]string{"socialAccountId"}))
expression.Add(expression.Name("socialAccounts"), expression.Value(val))
fmt.Printf("%s\n", val)
SS: ["socialAccountId"]