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How do I print vertical text in C# that prints up? (StringFormat.DirectionVirtical prints down)

I want to print text in C# using System.Drawing, but setting the StringFormat.DirectionVirtical flag only seems to print text downward. I want it to print the other way, like you see in graphs.

This will be for more than just forms, so I want to see if there is a way to do this without using a transformation matrix while drawing.

Is there any way to accomplish this?


  • Use Graphics.RotateTransform to get the text rotate the way you want. For example:

    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        public Form1() {
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
            string text = "Vertical text";
            SizeF textSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, this.Font);
            e.Graphics.DrawString(text, this.Font, Brushes.Black,
                new PointF(-textSize.Width, 0));