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Efficiency Comparison: (condition1 && condition2) vs. if (condition1) { if (condition2) }

Hello fellow developers,

I have a question regarding the efficiency of two different approaches in conditional statements. I am trying to determine which option is faster between the following two scenarios:

1.Using the logical operator && to combine two conditions within a single if statement: if (condition1 && condition2)

2.Utilizing nested if statements to evaluate the conditions separately:

if (condition1) {
   if (condition2) {
      // Code block executed if both conditions are true

My goal is to optimize my code and ensure that I am using the most efficient approach in terms of execution time. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate your insights on the performance implications of these two alternatives.

Specifically, I am interested in understanding any potential differences in terms of computational overhead, short-circuit evaluation behavior, and overall execution speed.

If you have any experience or knowledge regarding this topic, or if you can point me to relevant resources, I would be grateful for your assistance. Thank you in advance!


  • It doesn't make any difference. The && operator is short-circuiting, meaning that the right-hand side isn't executed if the left-hand side is false.

    With the short-circuiting, if (A && B) ... works exactly like if (A) if (B) ..., and the compiler knows this.