I would like to bring information like page id and root page id into the JS environment.
I thinking of manipulating or generating a JS file via TypoScript, but I have no idea how.
I know I can achieve it via controller and route enhancer. But that would be very much code.
For security reasons, I don't want inline JS.
Thank you for your time.
I also prefer the approach of Wolffc to add the data as data-atrributes and fetch them in the js. I would suggest to pass the data as json-string. Then you only have to fetch one data variable in your js. I think thats the easiest and fastest way to pass variables to js.
But if you really want to go the TypoScript way. I would suggest to use a dynamic js-script.
Here is what to do:
First you need a USER_INT in your headerData. Add following TypoScript. Before check in your TypoScript-Object-Browser if 20 is occupied. If it is use a free number. And of course adjust the VENDOR and ExtName to your extension.
20 {
userFunc = VENDOR\ExtName\UserFunc\HeaderManipulator->addDynamicJs
Then you will need the js template. Create a file in your extension. /Resources/Private/Templates/Js/MyDynamicJs.js
let rootPageId = ###ROOT_PAGE_ID###;
let pageId = ###PAGE_ID###;
console.log('The Root-Page-Uid is: ' + rootPageId);
console.log('The Page-Uid is: ' + pageId);
At least you will need the User-Function to manipulate your dynamic js file. For that add following file to your extension.
Adjust the VENDOR and ExtName in the namespace to fit your extension. And dont forget to adjust the extname in the file_get_contents path.
namespace VENDOR\ExtName\UserFunc;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest;
class HeaderManipulator
public function addDynamicJs($content, $conf, ServerRequest $request)
$rootPageId = $request->getAttribute("site")->getRootPageId();
$pageId = $request->getAttribute("routing")->getPageId();
// Replace ext_name with your extensions name
$js = file_get_contents(Environment::getExtensionsPath() . '/ext_name/Resources/Private/Templates/Js/MyDynamicJs.js');
$js = str_replace('###ROOT_PAGE_ID###', $rootPageId, $js);
$js = str_replace('###PAGE_ID###', $pageId, $js);
return "<script type='text/javascript'>$js</script>";