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react application breakdwon after reloading into routed page with react-router-dom

I'm using react with VITE and react-router-dom Hosting the react application locally works very well, if it hosted on any online hosts services like NETLIFY, VERCEL or HOSTINGER also works great but if I passed to a new routed page used by react-router-dom it works fine until I reload the page that routed it crash even on many times of reloading still crashed but if I seped back to the home routed page "/" it works fine even with reloading

error message => GET 404

application repo: => application hosted by vercel: =>

the App() file

function App() {
  const location = useLocation();
  const [t, i18n] = useTranslation();
  if (i18n.language === "en") { = "ltr";
    document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", "en");
  } else if (i18n.language === "ar") { = "rtl";
    document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", "an");

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
  }, [location.pathname]);

  console.log("App.jsx:", "Render App.jsx");

  return (
      className={`App bg-white ${
        i18n.language === "en" ? "font-sf" : "font-almaria"
      } text-white`}
            <div className=" LANDING_PAGE mx-auto">
              <Header />
              <Services />
              <About />
              <WhyUs />
              <Partners />
              <Contact />
              <Footer />

        <Route path="/services" element={<ServicesSection />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-0" element={<ServiceZero />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-1" element={<ServiceOne />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-2" element={<ServiceTwo />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-3" element={<ServiceThree />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-4" element={<ServiceFour />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-5" element={<ServiceFive />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-6" element={<ServiceSix />} />
        <Route path="/services/service-7" element={<ServiceSeven />} />
        <Route path="/about" element={<AboutPage />} />
        <Route path="/partners" element={<PartnersPage />} />

normally tried to pass into routed page from my application it works fine but when I reload the page it gives me an console error GET 404 and display error message from the hosting service vercel by this images below host service error message

really I could not expect this issue it seems weird to me cause I'm newpie with React


  • The .htaccess file works only on apache servers, so I do not think it will work in this case.

    Add a vercel.json file at the root of your project, and use "rewrites" to rewrite all incoming paths to refer to your index path.

    For example:

      "rewrites":  [
        {"source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/"}

    Check here for further information: