I'm making api from mysql to json format. here is my code:
@blueprint.route('/api/products', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def products():
sql = text('SELECT products.id, products.product_name, products.image_name, products.product_type, '
'units.unit_name, categories.category_name, brands.brand_name, '
'JSON_ARRAY( JSON_OBJECT("price" ,GROUP_CONCAT(products_variation.price))) AS price, '
'FROM `products` '
'INNER JOIN products_variation ON products_variation.product_id = products.id '
'INNER JOIN units ON units.id = products.unit_id '
'INNER JOIN categories ON categories.id = products.category_id '
'INNER JOIN brands ON brands.id = products.brand_id '
'GROUP BY products.product_name')
product_all = db.engine.execute(sql)
product_schema = ProductsSchema(many=True)
data = product_schema.dump(product_all)
return data
Output :
"brand_name": "Naviforce",
"category_name": "Watch",
"id": 1,
"option_id": 1,
"option_name": "Color",
"price": "[{\"sku\": \"9199G\", \"price\": 29.99},{\"sku\": \"9199S\", \"price\": 27.99},{\"sku\": \"9199B\", \"price\": 28.99}]",
"product_name": "NAVIFORCE Men Luxury Watches NF9199S",
"product_type": "variable",
"unit_name": "Pieces ",
"brand_name": "Texas Instruments",
"category_name": "Electronics",
"id": 3,
"option_id": null,
"option_name": null,
"price": "[{\"sku\": \"TI-84 Plus\", \"price\": 9500.00}]",
"product_name": "Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphics Calculator",
"product_type": "single",
"unit_name": "Pieces ",
I want to try doing like this :
"price": [{"sku": "9199G", "price": 29.99},{"sku": "9199S", "price": 27.99},{"sku": "9199B", "price": 28.99}],
where remove double quota.
Or how to extract value with double quota using python Flask:
def index():
url = request.base_url + "api/products"
response = requests.get(url)
products = response.json()
return render_template('theme/test.html', products=products)
Your output data (which is assumed to be a string) does not constitute valid JSON for 2 reasons:
There is a redundant comma here: "unit_name": "Pieces ",
Double quote escaping is flawed.
Here's what the output data needs to look like before you can process it as JSON and convert to a Python dictionary. You can use literal_eval() from the ast module to handle the 'price' value as follows:
from json import dumps as DUMPS, loads as LOADS
from ast import literal_eval as EVAL
original = """[{
"brand_name": "Naviforce",
"category_name": "Watch",
"id": 1,
"option_id": 1,
"option_name": "Color",
"price": "[{\\"sku\\": \\"9199G\\", \\"price\\": 29.99},{\\"sku\\": \\"9199S\\", \\"price\\": 27.99},{\\"sku\\": \\"9199B\\", \\"price\\": 28.99}]",
"product_name": "NAVIFORCE Men Luxury Watches NF9199S",
"product_type": "variable",
"unit_name": "Pieces "
"brand_name": "Texas Instruments",
"category_name": "Electronics",
"id": 3,
"option_id": null,
"option_name": null,
"price": "[{\\"sku\\": \\"TI-84 Plus\\", \\"price\\": 9500.00}]",
"product_name": "Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphics Calculator",
"product_type": "single",
"unit_name": "Pieces "
result = []
for d in LOADS(original):
if 'price' in d:
d['price'] = EVAL(d['price'])
print(DUMPS(result, indent=4))
"brand_name": "Naviforce",
"category_name": "Watch",
"id": 1,
"option_id": 1,
"option_name": "Color",
"price": [
"sku": "9199G",
"price": 29.99
"sku": "9199S",
"price": 27.99
"sku": "9199B",
"price": 28.99
"product_name": "NAVIFORCE Men Luxury Watches NF9199S",
"product_type": "variable",
"unit_name": "Pieces "
"brand_name": "Texas Instruments",
"category_name": "Electronics",
"id": 3,
"option_id": null,
"option_name": null,
"price": [
"sku": "TI-84 Plus",
"price": 9500.0
"product_name": "Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphics Calculator",
"product_type": "single",
"unit_name": "Pieces "