For when you are in Vim's :terminal
buffer, and you want to open a new file, but use the existing Vim instance instead of create a new one, Vim has a specific escape sequence you can enter to tell Vim to do a command like open a file:
Job to Vim: JSON API ~
The job can send JSON to Vim, using a special escape sequence. The JSON
encodes a command that Vim understands. Example of such a message:
<Esc>]51;["drop", ""]<07>
But how do I enter these characters in windows terminal / pwsh?
Looks like I can use the api successfully from zsh (WSL) via the following:
printf '\033]51;["drop", ""]\07'
You're seeing an apparent limitation in the native Windows version of Vim (vim.exe
) due to the specifics of Windows' VT (Virtual Terminal) support - and the limitation applies irrespective of whether you launch vim.exe
stand-alone, from a conhost.exe
window (regular console window), or from Windows Terminal:
The Job-to-Vim terminal escape sequence you mention (as documented here) is quietly ignored.
Technically, due to starting with <ESC>]
, the escape sequence at hand is of type OSC (Operating System Command), specifically with parameter 51
; on the Windows API side - the VT (Virtual Terminal) support in console windows - at least some of those OSC sequences are supported, as implied by the statements in Console Virtual Terminal Sequences:
However, the OSC examples there are handled by the console itself (e.g., setting the window title).
As you've discovered yourself:
as reserved for Emacs, which Vim apparently chose to use also.It seems that Windows' VT support doesn't pass this specific OSC through to Vim; it may be worth opening an issue at
By contrast, the Job-to-Vim escape sequence does work on Unix-like platforms, including when running Vim from inside WSL on Windows (/usr/bin/vim
The following describes how to emit such an escape sequence from PowerShell in principle, but for the reasons stated, it won't solve your problem in Windows Terminal / Windows console windows.
In PowerShell (Core) 7.3+, from a Unix environment,
printf '\033]51;["drop", ""]\07'
should work as-is.
(In v7.2-, due to a long-standing bug, you'll have to escape the "
chars. as \"
- see this answer).
The PowerShell-native v7+ equivalent - which works on all platforms - is (see the conceptual about_Special_Characters help topic):
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`e]51;[`"drop`", `"`"]`a"
(In Windows PowerShell, escape sequence `e
to produce an ESC char. isn't supported; use $([char] 27)
Note that "`e]51;[`"drop`", `"`"]`a"
alone, using PowerShell's implicit output mechanism, would implicitly print a newline after the string value, hence the use of Write-Host -NoNewLine
(alternatively, use [Console]::Write(...)