I am trying to verify that data coming in the Detail
property of an AWS ScheduledEvent
object is correct. The information should be coming in from EventBridge
with JSON in the Detail
property that matches this class:
public class EventBatchData
public int BatchSize { get; private set; }
public int BatchRetries { get; private set; }
public EventBatchData(int batchSize, int batchRetries)
BatchSize = batchSize;
BatchRetries = batchRetries;
var validator = new EventBatchDataValidator();
I have a FluentValidation
validator in the class so it cannot be created in an invalid state.
However, I am not able to set the SceduledEvent.Detail
property, either directly or as an expectation through a mocking library. The Detail
property is defined with type T
so I even tried using dynamic
but that fails:
public void NotThrowError_WhenDetailIsValid(EventBatchData eventBatchData)
dynamic expectedDetail = new ExpandoObject();
expectedDetail.BatchRetries = eventBatchData.BatchRetries;
expectedDetail.BatchSize = eventBatchData.BatchSize;
var scheduledEvent = new ScheduledEvent
Account = "testAccount",
Region = "testRegion",
DetailType = "Scheduled Event",
Source = "aws.events",
Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
Id = "cdc73f9d-aea9-11e3-9d5a-835b769c0d9c",
Resources = new List<string> { "resource1", "resource2" },
Detail = expectedDetail
var result = _validator.TestValidate(scheduledEvent);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.Detail);
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject' to 'Amazon.Lambda.CloudWatchEvents.ScheduledEvents.Detail'
The ScheduledEvent
class actually inherits from the CloudWatchEvent<Amazon.Lambda.CloudWatchEvents.ScheduledEvents.Detail>
class, so the Details
field is not a generic data type; instead, it is type of Amazon.Lambda.CloudWatchEvents.ScheduledEvents.Detail
Hence, you cannot use the dynamic
data type for the Details
field; instead, convert the EventBatchData
class to the Details
data type, and it should work.
public class EventBatchData : Amazon.Lambda.CloudWatchEvents.ScheduledEvents.Detail
public int BatchSize { get; private set; }
public int BatchRetries { get; private set; }
public EventBatchData(int batchSize, int batchRetries)
BatchSize = batchSize;
BatchRetries = batchRetries;
var validator = new EventBatchDataValidator();