I am trying to make a chat bot where the intents.json(bot.json for my case) is loaded on a website I can access it using the "urlopen(url)" function with urllib but I can't dump anything into that json file here is the file
import random
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
url = "https://proj002webhostingserver.husseingaming1.repl.co/bot.json"
web = urlopen(url)
def random_string(question):
random_list = [
"Please try writing something more descriptive. Can You Please Respond With The Answer",
"Oh! It appears you wrote something I don't understand yet, Can You Please Respond With The Answer",
"Do you mind trying to rephrase that? Can You Please Respond With The Answer",
"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Can You Please Respond With The Answer",
"I can't answer that yet, please try asking something else. Can You Please Respond With The Answer"
list_count = len(random_list)
random_item = random.randrange(list_count)
web = urlopen(url)
response_data = load_json(web)
respinp = input("Type Your Response To That Question: ")
reqwinp = list(input("Type Any Requierd Words Here(Leave empty if there are none)(use this format: [\"word1\", \"word 2\"] you can use more than 2 or less than 2): "))
new(question=question, response= respinp, required_words= reqwinp)
def load_json(file):
with urlopen(url) as bot_responses:
print(f"Loaded \"{file}\" successfully!")
return json.load(bot_responses)
def new(question: str, response: str, required_words: None and str):
question (str): The question that you asked
response (str): An answer to the question
required_words (Noneandstr): any requierd words for this question(leave empty if there are no required words)
data = load_json(web)
"response_type": "added",
"user_input": [question],
"bot_response": response,
"required_words": [required_words]
with urlopen(url, "w") as file:
json.dumps(data, file)
the fuction where I dump my dictionary is the "new" function at the bottom of the code
I tried to run the code but it gave me this error
Exception has occurred: TypeError
POST data should be bytes, an iterable of bytes, or a file object. It cannot be of type str.
File "/Users/hussein/Desktop/Chatbot_proj_Callback001_version1/random_responses.py", line 49, in new
with urlopen(url, "w") as file:
File "/Users/hussein/Desktop/Chatbot_proj_Callback001_version1/random_responses.py", line 25, in random_string
new(question=question, response= respinp, required_words= reqwinp)
File "/Users/hussein/Desktop/Chatbot_proj_Callback001_version1/random_responses.py", line 51, in <module>
TypeError: POST data should be bytes, an iterable of bytes, or a file object. It cannot be of type str.
with urlopen(url, "w") as file:
The second argument of urlopen
is data
according to the documentation https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.request.html#urllib.request.urlopen
Which is supposed to be the data you want to post, not the analogue of mode
in open
. Bytes or file as said in the traceback.
I believe this answer will help you write your data correctly https://stackoverflow.com/a/36485152/22052558