Is there an easier way to add a data.frame as a "textbox" to a plot? I did it "manually", using function legend
plot(density(rnorm(1000)), xlab='x', ylab='y', lwd=1, main='Call', col='blue', type='l')
lines(density(rnorm(1000, 0, 2)), lty=3, col='red')
eo1 <- c(rnorm(1), rnorm(1), rnorm(1))
eo1 <- cbind(eo1, c(rnorm(1), rnorm(1), rnorm(1)))
colnames(eo1) <- c('contextA', 'contextB')
legend('topleft', legend=c(paste('medida', paste(colnames(eo1)[1:2], collapse=' '))
, paste('mean ', paste(sprintf('%+.3f', eo1[2, 1:2]), collapse=' '))
, paste('sk ', paste(sprintf('%+.3f', eo1[2, 1:2]), collapse=' '))
, paste('krtE ', paste(sprintf('%+.3f', eo1[3, 1:2]), collapse=' '))
), horiz=F, cex=.7)
I could not see how Extent of boundary of text in R plot could help.
What about {plotrix}:
addtable2plot(head(iris), x = 1, y = 10, yjust = 0)